
These events are open to everyone! Please note registration instructions where provided.

Forgiveness as Spiritual Practice

May 29-June 1, 2025

Holy Cross Monastery ~ West Park, NY 12493

Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us.
– The Lord’s Prayer

Jesus, teaching us to pray, makes forgiveness central to the lives of his followers. Yet we often treat it as optional and even fail to take in that we are promised forgiveness by God when we ask for it, and in the context of living a forgiving life. Why is this so difficult? One reason is the confusion about what forgiveness is, and how to do it. To claim the freedom offered us in Christ we need to forgive and be forgiven in relationship to God, each other and ourselves.

This retreat will explore the practice of forgiveness—seeking it, offering it and receiving it. We will explore what forgiveness is and is not in the scriptures and other writings. Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on forgiveness in their own lives and focus on some ways to move deeper into the practice and experience. Join us, and bring a journal!

To register, please contact our Guesthouse Office by phone at 845-384-6660, ext. 3002 or email

Suggested Donation: $510


Sr. Elizabeth Broyles delights in accompanying people in their faith journeys through retreat leadership, teaching spiritual practices and providing spiritual direction. She is co-founder of the Companions of Mary the Apostle. An Episcopal priest for the last 29 years and a spiritual director for 20, she came to ministry through waking up to the deep need we each have of God’s life-giving presence and a desire to walk with people as they seek.

The Rev. Alison Quin has been an Episcopal priest for 23 years and a spiritual director for 12 years. After stepping down from parish ministry in 2019, she worked as program director of Grace Year, an Episcopal Service Corps program for four years, accompanying young adults on their spiritual journeys. Now her ministry includes spiritual direction, leading retreats, and mentoring and supporting others on their faith journeys. She is a trustee of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, focusing on Safe Church. She is grateful to live and continue her walk with God in the beautiful Hudson Valley.

Coffee Table Communion

Every Friday at 9:00 a.m. at the Companionary and online. Please contact us at for Zoom connection instructions.

Commune through prayer and lively conversation on the Scriptures. We are reading the coming Sunday’s readings from the Revised Common Lectionary.


Visit the Companionary

You are welcome for a day visit or a longer retreat at our Companionary in West Park, New York. Contact us to plan your visit!


Invite us to lead your next retreat, quiet day, or educational program

Vowed Companions lead events for people of all genders, and we welcome your invitation to visit your parish, group, or area. Themes we regularly offer include:

  • Spiritual formation and prayer.

  • Engaging the scriptures.

  • Discovering the Feminine in the Heart of God.

  • Women in the History of Christianity.

  • Forgiveness as spiritual practice.

Or suggest your own theme. Please get in touch for more information!